Can you remember a time in your upcoming to where you are at now? What about how you made it to where you are and what you stand for
It all came about your parents in what they believed in and how they raised you to be the person that you are today.
Today families have drawn so many members far apart from one another and hopes of no return. The problem is that family are now competing against one another instead of working together to make things happen for the better and not for the worse.
You see and read about how many family members that fight amongst themselves ends up with broken homes or perhaps death.
Family today is the root of evil instead of money even though money could be the leading causes. We look at family and wonder what the real problem is.
Okay I just figured this one out this was easy;
When you are a single parent meeting a single parent with children is a major issue. You have to learn about the other individual as to what their likes and dislikes are including the children’s likes and dislikes. This doesn’t happen overnight but may take some years to get acquainted. Second families that are with both parents tend to do good but often times the older the relationship and the children get older they tend to get bothered by one another and then the family begins to spilt up and then all the division of things happen. Now this can take a week or even a month.
By doing this the children now are more confused as to why my mom and dad don’t like each other anymore and wonder what are they going to do when mom and dad leave one another ending in a divorce.
Some parents that divorce have greater relationships as if they are still together and then there are some that despise one another and is glad they are single and go on with their life regardless of what happens and still be apart of that child’s life. Then lastly there are some that are absent in the child’s life and careless as long they are apart and do not want no responsibility in doing what is necessary.
But getting on to what I am really stating this is only my opinion could be fact but you will never know unless you have experienced the same thing.
Being in a relationship at an early age I decided to settle down and raise a family with the hopes and dreams of a husband, home and children. This is majority of women dream. So in the beginning it happened but as the years drew fonder the relationship of 8 years was falling apart year after year day by day. We begin to hate one another stopped going to the places we once went. Our children were frustrated as to what is going on with us. Never once having the words to say I stayed in the relationship as long as I could. When the times got harder and harder to be in a relationship and my kids lives was in danger I began to find an escape for me and my children. It took some time for me to get away but the lifestyle that I was indulged in was keeping me in the same situation. It seemed as though the more I thought about leaving the more I found ways to make our relationship work.
Knowing this was not something that I have dreamed of but finally I was able to leave. The only reason I was able to leave was that my husband had left me and the children one morning and I knew then that it was over for us.
Being separated was hard but well worth the rehabilitation it took to mend a broken home and the hearts of the children. Until this day my children have been scared for life they will never forget the times of us fighting in their eyesight, moving from house to house, involved in another relationship with a so called father figure in their life and then that all failed too!
So my next move was to move back home to my mother and dad whom I thank god for them to be still alive and well enough to take me and my children. This was the drawing point in my life and I needed to make a change for the better. When I say change for the better I speaking on the things in my life that I needed to get rid of the drugs and the alcohol the violence and the abuse. My children at one time were taken from me at that moment I felt as though I had lost everything and didn’t know which way to go.
Until suddenly God sent forth a wonderful man to me that I was not ready for just coming out of a relationship but still doing drugs and alcohol. We begin to spend time together and things led one to another we then began to spend more and more time together you know getting acquainted. Yes I did begin to love him because it took so much from me but yet stuck with me through the thick and the thin. Now this is family. He talked and talked to me about loving myself and that things are not what they seem to be but what I make it to be. Remember my kids have been taking away from me and if it had not been for God sending this man to me I believe my kids would still be gone today. Right now my daughter is 17, son 15 and 14 years old. Life is still sort of hard but the good thing is that I do not have to fight anymore or do drugs anymore. I am happy and living the dream I have always hoped for with the same man that God sent me.
Throughout the abuse that I have conquered over the years I have lost just about everything except my life and I believe that that was going to be the next thing. But God survived me to do better. I this was one opportunity that no one should ever pass up. If God steps in you will know about because you will begin to ask yourself how did I make it through.
Our lives are a living testimony we can share to others what happened to us and how we made it to be who we are today. Some life stories you hear about are really degrading to women and children, let’s not leave out the men because men are suppose to be our backbone in everything we do. Some prefer to be single but there are others who want to share the moment of togetherness.
This is family the bonding as a whole and not just toward one individual. I believe that through conversation would make the bond even more closely.
Rule of thumb for a better relationship
1. voice your opinion as to what you would like to see in the future as well as the present
2. Keep and open relationship where when ever the time is you still can talk to one another without anyone becoming offended
3. Set priorities
4. Limit time to share with the entire family rather it be one on one with the children
5. Allow children to be children where they can voice their opinion as well remember they are human beings and have feelings as well
6. Lastly be aware of suggestions and take them into consideration and work with it
To all the people that have read this I hope you are sincere in making your families well being work for the better. Even though things may become rough but situations don’t last always. When you are confused as to how to refrain yourself from the obstacles that holds you down look up to God and ask him to help. When family is not around to assist but be against what you set out to do just remember there is someone that is waiting to hear from you and will come to your rescue to make all things alright.
Thanks much for reading my blog on what ever happened to family this was very deep on my heart and I felt as though to relieve the pressure was to write about it. It helped tremendously and the thought of reaching others around the world would benefit from it or have an idea that they are not alone. For we all have fallen short of something and know that the main thing is to learn and get out.
P.S. Email me for any questions or concerns that are not mentioned in this blog. I am free to answer or listen to what you may have to say or add to what was written. Take care of yourselves and your families great things are definitely ahead if you allow them to come into your path.
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